
Our commitment to Transparency

The Glyphosate Renewal Group is committed to comply and contribute to all relevant aspects of the EU procedure to re-assess and re-approve glyphosate in the EU. The GRG will do so in a factual, scientific and transparent way.

To respond to the demand for greater transparency, the GRG proactively meets the new provisions of the EU General Food Law before the legislation comes into force on 27 March 2021.

In doing so, the GRG is making the minutes of the meetings with regulatory bodies involved in the re-assessment of glyphosate publicly available; i.e. the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG). The Assessment Group consists of the following regulatory authorities of four European Member States: ANSES (France), Nebih (Hungary), ctgb (the Netherlands) and KEMI (Sweden).

The application for the glyphosate renewal, including the list of new studies to fulfil current regulatory requirements, is made publicly available on this website, as well as the feedback correspondence on the application from the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG).

Furthermore, easy access to the public part (i.e. except confidential business information) of the re-approval dossier submitted in 2012 are provided on this website.

Full study reports, submitted at the time and where the GRG has access and disclosure rights, is accessible to interested persons via a simple online ordering procedure (with the minor exception of documents containing confidential, production related information, not safety-relevant).

Following submission, the entire public part of the 2020 glyphosate dossier, including new study reports, are made accessible via this website (with the minor exception of those documents containing certain production information, not safety-relevant).

Disclaimer: To protect data privacy and in accordance with existing law, all personal information and testing facilities of vertebrate studies, will have been redacted from the documents made public by the GRG.

The Glyphosate Renewal Group has joined the EU Transparency Register, details can be viewed at this link.