Welcome to the third edition of The Glyphosate Renewal Group (GRG) Newsletter
In this edition, we invite you to discover glyphosate’s role in protecting and enhancing biodiversity. Learn about the role of agriculture for healthy and thriving biodiversity, how honeybees and other pollinators are protected, and much more.
Keeping you informed on the EU regulatory process, we provide an update about the recent regulatory milestone – the launch of the public commenting period on the draft Renewal Assessment Report and how you can take part.
We also invite you to join our upcoming policy dialogue with Euractiv on the 4th of November: Can Glyphosate play a role in achieving greater biodiversity?
Finally, we share new website updates.
Please do not hesitate to come back to us: we listen, we engage. Visit our website to learn more.



Regulatory Milestone
The commenting period on the draft Renewal Assessment Report has begun
Commitment to protect and enhance biodiversity

Our Commitment
What role for agriculture for health and thriving biodiversity
Is Glyphosate dangerous for bees?

GRG News
Euractiv Policy Dialogue: Can Glyphosate play a role in achieving greater biodiversity?
The Italian and Spanish GRG websites are now live!


Regulatory Milestones

The commenting period on the draft Renewal Assessment Report has begun
As part of the regulatory process, on 23 September, EFSA and ECHA opened 60-day public consultations on the draft Renewal Assessment Report (dRAR) for glyphosate.
Applicants, Member States, and the public, including all interested parties, are invited to submit comments on the assessment report produced by the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG).
You can access the dRAR and take part in the public consultation via EFSA and ECHA‘s websites.
You can consult our easy-to-follow step-by-step presentations on how to submit your comments via this link.

In addition, as part of the GRG transparency commitment, we publish concise summaries of different elements of the dRAR on our website. You can easily access them via this link.

Find out more


Committed to Protect and Enhance Biodiversity

Our Commitment
Today, there is a need to achieve increased productivity in a sustainable manner, which means without cultivating more land while conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services.
The industry is committed to protecting and enhancing biodiversity, taking part in tackling these challenges.
We provide safe crop protection products that support integrated crop management approaches and promote the broad implementation of good agricultural practices such as crop rotation and diversification and reduced or no-tillage systems.

Find out more


What role of agriculture for healthy and thriving biodiversity?
Agriculture and biodiversity are inextricably intertwined. Healthy crops require fertile soils, beneficial insects such as pollinators, and protection from pests that will damage or compete with them.

At the same time, ensuring a safe and secure food supply involves changing how the natural environment and resources are used, impacting biodiversity.
Within this system, glyphosate is actually an important tool for helping farmers preserve the environment and biodiversity, enabling them to control weeds with little or no tillage, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint, and helping to maintain healthier soil.
The use of glyphosate supports healthy crops and higher yields, which allow more land to be preserved as a habitat for wildlife.

Find out more


Is Glyphosate dangerous for bees?
Regulatory authorities, such as EFSA, conduct comprehensive evaluations to ensure crop protection products, like glyphosate, can be safely used in the environment when used in accordance with the label instructions.
Only products that pose no unacceptable risk to the environment are approved for use.
Glyphosate and glyphosate-based products have been extensively tested both in laboratories and in fields, among other things to evaluate their potential toxicity to honey bees and other pollinators.
The results of those tests show that they have neither acute nor chronic adverse effects on the pollinators.
It means that honey bees are neither killed nor damaged when they get into contact with glyphosate.

Find out more



Euractiv Policy Dialogue: Can Glyphosate play a role in achieving greater biodiversity?
The question of how to achieve sustainable agriculture and a balanced relationship between the environment, farmers, and consumers is more and more pressing.
Biodiversity is closely linked to and influenced by this relationship, as well as good agricultural practices and food production.
Technological and digital solutions are needed for ensuring sustainable agriculture and contributing to biodiversity.
Join us on November 4th at 14:30-16:00 CET for a fascinating policy dialogue on if and how glyphosate can play a role in achieving greater biodiversity.
Register via this link.


Website News

The Italian and Spanish websites are now live
We are happy to announce that the GRG website is now available in Italian and Spanish, in addition to English, French,
German, and Polish.
We are proud to share our commitment to maximum transparency in multiple European languages.
Check out the new Italian version and Spanish versions: Español, Italiano.
